Driving Test Reminders
You should already know everything here. This is just revision to ensure you have them fresh in your mind!
The most common reason for people failing their test is that they are not ready! Make sure that you are competent in all the modules before taking your test. Here are a few things to remember:
OBSERVATION – the most common serious fault on driving tests is lack of observation at junctions etc.
MANOEUVRES – ensure you are competent at all manoeuvres. Remember you MUST look out the back window before reversing and must do good all round observation throughout
PULLING OFF – check your blind spot before pulling away and signal if necessary
HILL STARTS – make sure clutch is fully at the biting point and give extra gas. Stay calm and remember observation including blind spot
STOPPING – make sure where you stop is safe, convenient and lawful- so for instance not in a bus stop or in front of a driveway
EMERGENCY STOP – brake then clutch. Handbrake and neutral after you’ve stopped. All round observation (including left shoulder before pulling away again.
T JUNCTIONS – if it is a stop junction you MUST stop. At a give way junction do not stop if you can definitely see it is clear before you’ve stopped. Use second gear normally if it is an open junction and clear. If not use 1st gear.
TRAFFIC LIGHTS – handbrake on if stopped at lights. Turning right – give way to traffic coming toward you that is turning left or going straight ahead.
SPEED – look out for speed limit signs.
MINI ROUNDABOUTS – give way to the traffic on your RIGHT
MIRRORS – always check before changing lanes as well as before signalling and slowing and approaching hazards. Use door mirrors as well as interior mirror.
The most common reason for people failing their test is that they are not ready! Make sure that you are competent in all the modules before taking your test. Here are a few things to remember:
OBSERVATION – the most common serious fault on driving tests is lack of observation at junctions etc.
MANOEUVRES – ensure you are competent at all manoeuvres. Remember you MUST look out the back window before reversing and must do good all round observation throughout
PULLING OFF – check your blind spot before pulling away and signal if necessary
HILL STARTS – make sure clutch is fully at the biting point and give extra gas. Stay calm and remember observation including blind spot
STOPPING – make sure where you stop is safe, convenient and lawful- so for instance not in a bus stop or in front of a driveway
EMERGENCY STOP – brake then clutch. Handbrake and neutral after you’ve stopped. All round observation (including left shoulder before pulling away again.
T JUNCTIONS – if it is a stop junction you MUST stop. At a give way junction do not stop if you can definitely see it is clear before you’ve stopped. Use second gear normally if it is an open junction and clear. If not use 1st gear.
TRAFFIC LIGHTS – handbrake on if stopped at lights. Turning right – give way to traffic coming toward you that is turning left or going straight ahead.
SPEED – look out for speed limit signs.
MINI ROUNDABOUTS – give way to the traffic on your RIGHT
MIRRORS – always check before changing lanes as well as before signalling and slowing and approaching hazards. Use door mirrors as well as interior mirror.