Hill Starts
When pulling away on a hill, the biggest danger is of rolling backwards. This occurs when the clutch is not UP enough. The higher the clutch is up, the more the clutch plates are gripping on and the more forward power you have. The steeper the hill the more forward power you need. The more the clutch is up, the more gas you need.
If, as you release the handbrake the car rolls back what is wrong? - the clutch is not up enough
If the car rolls back what needs to be done? - the clutch needs to be eased up more
If the clutch is up too much what might happen? - you might stall
If I don't have enough gas what might happen? - you might stall
If, as you release the handbrake the car rolls back what is wrong? - the clutch is not up enough
If the car rolls back what needs to be done? - the clutch needs to be eased up more
If the clutch is up too much what might happen? - you might stall
If I don't have enough gas what might happen? - you might stall