Getting Started
There are some basic procedures that are important to remember:
Cockpit checks - when you first enter the car:
DOORS - make sure all are shut
SEAT - Adjust the base of the seat to a comfortable position - in particular so that you can push the clutch down to the floor without too much stretch
STEERING WHEEL/SEAT BACK - make sure the back of your seat is adjusted so that you can control the steering wheel comfortably. Adjust the height of the steering wheel if required and adjust the head restraint if required
POM - Preparation - Observation - Manoeuvre
When doing a manoeuvre (such as moving off from the side of the road) the basic procedure is POM.
First preparation - you get the car ready to do what you want to do (ie in gear, gas and clutch ready)
Then observation - making sure it's safe all around for what you want to do
Then Manoeuvre - controlling the car with pedals and steering to do what you want to do
MSM - Mirrors - Signal - Manoeuvre
In normal driving when performing a manoeuvre such as turning a corner you should follow the MSM procedure.
- Position
- Speed
- Look
- Assess
- Decide
- Act
There are some basic procedures that are important to remember:
Cockpit checks - when you first enter the car:
DOORS - make sure all are shut
SEAT - Adjust the base of the seat to a comfortable position - in particular so that you can push the clutch down to the floor without too much stretch
STEERING WHEEL/SEAT BACK - make sure the back of your seat is adjusted so that you can control the steering wheel comfortably. Adjust the height of the steering wheel if required and adjust the head restraint if required
POM - Preparation - Observation - Manoeuvre
When doing a manoeuvre (such as moving off from the side of the road) the basic procedure is POM.
First preparation - you get the car ready to do what you want to do (ie in gear, gas and clutch ready)
Then observation - making sure it's safe all around for what you want to do
Then Manoeuvre - controlling the car with pedals and steering to do what you want to do
MSM - Mirrors - Signal - Manoeuvre
In normal driving when performing a manoeuvre such as turning a corner you should follow the MSM procedure.
- Position
- Speed
- Look
- Assess
- Decide
- Act